Thanksgiving Day .. (Make-Up)
This year my thanksgiving was alright. Usually I spend it with my two sisters, my father, and whole family. This year both sisters made plans so I and my dad were on our own. We chose to go to my Aunts house which was where majority of the family was spending it. It wasn't really all that fun because as usual all the grownups were drinking and being louder than normal which I found to be highly obnoxious.
Everyone conversed the whole night and unsurprisingly Genocide was not a topic brought up for discussion. Once everyone was at my Aunts house, we actually all held hands in a circle and went around saying things we were grateful for (my least favorite part of thanksgiving). By this time half of my family members were drunk so the answers were a bit more entertaining than usual. This was a ritual done every year, and every year I take this part of the evening as a joke. Every time I hold hands in a circle, I never close my eyes and instead I like to watch everyone else close theirs. I like to read reactions. I even often laugh at everyone and think about how weird the whole thing is. I don’t think we should have a specific day to be thankful about our lives. If anything we should be thankful everyday not just one day out of the year. I think in this sense the whole day is kind of fake. It’s not living our lives meaningful if we are only thankful one day and not every day. But I kind of like the whole idea of being thankful for everything we have in our lives instead of being greedy and wanting everything we don’t have in order to make us happy. I think it’s funny that the very next day is Black Friday and everything we pretended to be thankful for the day before completely goes out the window and people become greedy and needy. I don’t see the point at all.
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