Wednesday, May 6, 2009

May Day

Based on what I read on wikipedia and the speeches and texts from, I’m guessing May Day is a day celebrated for the hard working laborers of many years ago. Their usual working day consisted of 8 hours (or more, I’m sure). Since they have been working so hard for very little pay, the hard workers put together a movement for their own benefit in hoping of better treatment from their bosses. During this day, marches and campaigns of hard working people go up and down the streets protesting for better management.

I do believe that a sense of history-of past struggles is necessary to live a good and meaningful life. My reasoning is because in order to be thankful and appreciative of the life we have, we should know a bit about how we were able to live this way. Now I’m not suggesting that we know all of our history because some of it, I think, is not so important to know, but just I guess important changes throughout past times that helped shape the world we live in today. For example I think knowing about racial segregation is important for us to know about whereas history about communism isn’t something, again – I believe, should be gone into so much depth. I feel like if we go into depth about events we can learn in less than a week, then we’re taking away time from learning about what events actually mattered and the hidden information that the government or people in charge/ruling didn’t want us to know.

Though, in my point of view, this class doesn’t really offer a whole bunch of insight into history and past events. It focuses more on present and how we think, work, act, etc and the reasons for it, and how to live a good and meaningful life. And based on past experiences from learning regular history vs. learning your course, I think your course is much more informative than any other. I feel like I learned more about how to live a good and meaningful life taking you, rather than taking a regular history teacher. I guess in conclusion, I think we should be focusing on how to live a good and meaningful life and then somehow incorporate a bit or outlines of history (like how you do). I think that having a sense of how to live not completely meaningless and knowing a few historical events is necessary to live a good and meaningful life.


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