Monday, February 9, 2009

Class group questions on how old people live ...

1) What’s it like to live in a nursing home?
2) What do you do for fun?
3) What are your responsibilities?
4) Is your life well organized or spontaneous?
5) What do you do with your time?
6) Do you often have company over?
7) If you have kids, how often do they visit/check up on you?
8) If you have a health condition how do you cope? Do you bother going to the hospital?
9) How active are you in your community?
10) How do you feel internally on a daily basis?
11) What do you find comforting?
12) Would you be happy if you could live with your friends as your roommate?
13) What makes you happy now-a-days?
14) How many old people are abusing substances to make them feel better?
15) How many old people live in poverty?
16) How do you spend your money?
17) How often do old people get beat up (nursing homes and streets)
18) What do they do for protection?
19) What’s your preferred environment?
20) Are old people with grandchildren happier?
21) How often do old people go to therapists?
22) What’s the suicide rate for old people?
23) What’s the anti-depressants rate?
24) What’s it like to experience dependency?
25) How many old people are all about travel? Romance? …etc
26) What are your values?
27) What do you still find fun under any circumstance?
28) Which old people are happier; rich or loved?


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