Baked Potatoes (taken from my aunt)
Garlic salt
Olive oil
Fill a pot half way with water. Put on stove on medium fire. Add a pinch of salt and wait till water comes to a boil. Cut potatoes in half. Add the half potatoes the boiling water till they become tender and soft. Take potatoes out and season with butter or olive oil, and garnish with garlic salt and parsley.

I didn't like the way I made it. My dad ate some and he said he enjoyed it. We saved the rest in the fridge and reheated it later and it tasted worse. Why does food always taste worse through microwave? I hate that. Some poeple say you have to cook with love. This dish was not made with love at all.
I enjoy eating meals cooked by elder people. I think its because I trust them and I'm sur ethey have much more experience with cooking. I don't trust myself cooking. I don't usually like it, but others do.
My dad always complains that my generation needs to learn how to cook. That we're too stuck on our computers, television, phones, video games, etc. According to my dad, we're spoiled and we like everything handed to us. I kind of think he's right. I am spoiled in the sense that I'd much rather have someone do something for me that I know will come out better rather than do it myself and practice and keep learning.
Back when my father was younger, him, his friends, and family were used to playing outside. Hardly talking on the phone, spending time in the kitchen, eating dinners together, etc. We don't do that anymore. We've taken advantage of our family-time and culture. Food used to be a really big part of culture in terms of bringing family together. Now-a-days I feel like even though food is still a part of our culture, it doesn't really bring family together as much.
For some reason I hear from a lot of people that when you go like "back to there own country" or like where they spend most of their holidays at they tend to eat less. You actually just gave me some new insight I think. I think it is because of the traveling, in Hong Kong you have to take a cab or a long train ride to get to restaurants or places to eat. Around my old apartment in Hong Kong it was almost deserted. I think the fact that in America there is so many different ways to get food so easily just a few steps away makes people indulge and eat more. Also I think it may be because of the heat, the heat sometimes get people eat less. Although in American even when its hot I still heat like a fatass lol. Its America :D
Thanks for the comment, I love you<3
Great post - you're the only one who posted a recipe whose outcome was bad.
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