Sunday, September 21, 2008

Sam Rios said...

I liked how you in a way made your video seem like an interview. Although it was long, I actually enjoyed what you were saying. I felt it was very "you". (Ian) - Section 4

Sam Rios said...

Based on your video, friends are one of the most meaningful aspects in your life. Liked your video, but I wished you would have showed more about what YOU do. It was enjoyable though. (Julie) - Section 4

Sam Rios said...

I loved it. I love how very family orientated you are. And how friends mean a lot to you also. Perfect song choice, made me feel so peaceful. Capri looks like an amazing place. Video was really good! (Mara) - Section 4

Sam Rios said...

I really liked the part where you quickly went through the steps of making a pb&j sandwhich. I think your bands music was perfect for your video/slideshow. I also really like the sound of your band. It seems music (band), parents, & your gf are very meaningful to you. (Kyle T

Sam Rios said...

I liked the part where your sitting down eating with your dad and mom. Idk, I found it interesting. Also your choice of music was good and I like how your immediate family is very important to you and you showed it in your video. (John Li) - Section 2


I realized a lot of people think family and friends are very important and I think it would be interesting to watch someone who has a different view. Someone who maybe had different experiences which is the reason for them having different aspects of their life more important than the usual family or friends.

An interesting pattern was that a lot of people classify something as "meaningful" by how much it affects them/impacts their life and how much enjoyment they get from it. I wonder if people really do find family meaningful or did they include family because it's expected.

While reading a lot of the analysis/insight I noticed how everyone pretty much finds their life meaningful to them. I have yet to read where someone writes about how meaningless their life is. I can see how we all think we're pretty important and play a role in life that is going to mean something.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Meanless Project 1: What Matters In Your Life

I wanted to make a piece about what I would classify as meaningful things in my life. I for the most part had it all figured out. I was going to include family, friends, music, & sports. Then I started thinking a bit more about it. What do I find so important about all of the above that wouldn't make me like everyone else? My experiences. People go through similar problems but they've never stepped a foot in my shoes.
Okay, so my life may not be completely meaningful but I'm confident that it's not entirely meaningless.

In my video, I included photos of family, friends, teams, & people that truly have made a difference to me. First I included photos of my family. I'll start with the first 6 photos of my family. No matter what happened in life, they were always there for me. We've had our ups and downs but at the end of the day we know the stupid arguments/ ignoring each other mean nothing. I chose to add them in my video because I honestly feel like my family is very meaningful to me. They're there for me when I think no one else is and they've supported all of my decisions so far. They helped me, encouraged me, and even influenced the person I am today. They have helped me become independent & learn that I have the power to do w.e I want to. They've taught me so much and I don't think I could ever thank them enough.
Friends. I chose these photos because they have captured moments of people who I really care about. My friends are the ones I can really count on to help me feel better when I'm down. They're the ones I'd do so much for. I can almost consider them family. Its amazing how we all can find friendship and build such strong relationships with "strangers". I love my friends. I love to make them smile, I love to make them feel good about themselves, but most importantly I love the people they are. Such genuinely funny and overall awesome people. I'd like to add that my friends also played a huge role in molding me into who I am today. They've showed me how to deal with the good times and the bad. I admire these people. They've really helped me grow up and mature. I really can't imagine life without them.
My team. Although I only had a team picture of my softball team, I would have loved to add photos of my basketball team. My team isn't the only thing that I find meaningful but the sports themselves too. I play sports because I think its fun. I also love how every time I'm playing in a game, I forget about absolutely everything else. Nothing else exists but the people who I'm on the field/court with. My teams at soft mean a lot to me. We all have this amazing bond/connection like we're all of great importance to each other even though once we stop playing, everything goes back to how it was. That sounds weird but you get what I mean. I hope.
I realized that some pics may look like I just wanted to put them up but I really did think about which ones I wanted to add. They all have some sort of meaning to me. I wanted my pics to reflect that I love having fun even if I'm doing things completely meaningless. I want them to show who plays the big roles in my life. Even my role models. To me, laughing, having fun, and sharing stories/experiences with other people (whether it be friends or family) is what leads my life.
In my video, I would have loved to include videos that I made/ already had but I accidentally screwed that idea up. I also wanted to add more meaningless things to me (like school, etc).
I guess what I find most meaningful is based on what I love doing, what makes me happy, who i think is important in my life, and even just having good times at w.e I'm doing. I did find a pattern. The things I enjoy doing / people I share good memories with.. etc are the things in my life I found most meaningful.
Overall my video doesn't capture my life as a whole because it doesnt consist of only these things. This video doesn't make me more interesting, in fact it'd probably make me less. I'm sure people will watch this video and say to themselves, well this isnt all that and she definitely lives a meaningless life but i don't know. I kind of dont think so *at least not totally. People would probably say, wow just family friends and sports/ teams. Nothing exciting, nothing new, what a waste of time. But in fact these are the things that make me. Its what I am, and how I can define myself. This is all me. Now my only question is, how can I make others see how meaningful all of these are to me ?